Of books

Move Me On - Buy or DownloadOne of the best things about being on holiday is actually having time to read. I read all the time, but not in the same way; usually it’s a case of 20-30 minutes at a time, which is still enjoyable, but not quite as satisfying as being able to read for as long as I like. There’s something very self-indulgent about curling up on the sofa with a book and staying there for hours, but I love it.

There’s a big stack of books sitting here waiting to be read – and several that I’ve finished and would like to tell you about, but I thought I’d start with something slightly different.

I know that many people feel Twitter is just one big waste of time, but it’s become very important to me professionally: I’ve picked up ideas and resources, I’ve discovered Teachmeets (and finally attended one) and I’ve become part of an enormously supportive and helpful network. And yes, I’ve blithered on a bit about things of no importance and read the chatter of others – but that’s what happens at the water cooler, online or offline.

A few weeks ago Doug Belshaw asked educators to share hints and tips using Twitter and the #movemeon hashtag. It took off and lots of people joined in to share their ideas. Initially Move Me On was focused on new or trainee teachers, but it quickly became apparent that those taking part felt that this was for all educators – we’re also all learners. Many of the suggestions will be obvious to experienced teachers, but I know I picked up several ideas that made me stop and think ‘I’ve got to try that’, or ‘I used to do that – why did I stop?’

The result is a really interesting crowd-sourced resource. Twitter is inherently ephemeral, so Doug created an archive of the tweets using Twapperkeeper, which is great, but it’s not likely to reach teachers that aren’t already using Twitter. So he made a book as well.


I have to say that Doug and Stuart Ridout have done a fantastic job with the book. If you are involved in education I’d say it’s definitely worth a look (and not just because I’m in it!) I’ll definitely be sharing copies at school next term. Best of all, the e-book is free, so why not download a copy?

Get the free PDF/e-book: http://bit.ly/movemeonpdf

Want an actual book? (at cost price): http://bit.ly/movemeonbook

1 comment to Of books

  • Have downloaded this (I saw your Tweet before I read this). There are some good ideas in there – oddly enough, ideas that you might have heard before, and know, but the actual reading again (there of) is very useful. The sort of thing you should read just before a term starts, as a reminder.

    Does that make sense? Anyhoo, thanks for the heads up.