Fish, chips and champagne

I have been doing a lot of thinking lately. Well, I have to do something with my time – and it certainly hasn’t been filled with blogging.

I’ve been thinking about how much I love working at Current School.

I’ve been thinking about how friendly and supportive my colleagues are.

I’ve been thinking about my GCSE maths group.

I’ve been thinking about how I’m just starting to get to know the Y10 form group that I’ve only been with since September.

I’ve been thinking about the work I’ve been doing with primary schools and how much I’ve enjoyed it.

I’ve been thinking about STEM Club.

I’ve been thinking about the trip to Paris that I’m running in July.

I’ve been really happy at Current School. I’ve thought a lot about that.

But I’ve also been thinking about being a maths teacher. I’m not a maths teacher at the moment, I’m actually a maths, ICT and engineering teacher. Which has been OK, but after months of deliberating and dithering and postponing the decision, I knew it was time. Did I want to stay where I am (which is a great place to work), or did I want the chance to be a full time maths teacher?

Finally, decision made.

I spent today with a group of other candidates at a job interview at another school. We were given a guided tour, but also encouraged to stray from it and see whatever we wanted, so I did. I chatted to the staff. I visited lessons and talked to students – many of whom have friends at Current School, so that’s the three-legged cat out of the bag. I discovered a place where I felt very comfortable and felt I could be very happy.

I did the interviews, was observed teaching, thought about all the things that I could have done better and hoped I’d done enough. Thankfully, it turned out that I had.

I start there in September. I’m so pleased – I’ll be a maths teacher at a school that I’m really looking forward to being part of. I’m feeling very happy about it – but also feeling very sad to be leaving my current place.

Fish, chips and champagne for tea. Time to celebrate. Even if it is a school night. 🙂

11 comments to Fish, chips and champagne

  • Chris_1974

    Yay. Well done you.
    Def. time for celebrating!

  • Fantastic news! The champagne is certainly deserved tonight!

  • Ro

    In a sense, it’s better that you have these mixed feelings: how much nicer to leave a job because you choose to make a small change in your career than to do so under a cloud, when you’ve reached the point where you simply *have* to move? 🙂

    Good for you in grasping the nettle and congratulations in landing the new job. Now enjoy the rest of your school year at Current School (and, of course, that trip to Paris), and look forward to all that New School will bring you 🙂

  • Congratulations – how exciting! 🙂

  • Congratulations. I’m teaching more than maths at the moment, as I teach sixth grade. However, the other day I ended up in a fifth grade classroom teaching maths. It was something you forget. How brilliant it is, just to be known as a maths teacher. How fantastic the kids are when they have a teacher who loves maths, enjoys teaching maths, and actually knows maths. I can see why you’ve elected to go back to full time maths teaching. It isn’t for me at the moment, but I understand.

  • Congratulations and that sounds like the perfect feast to me; did you have mushy peas as well?

    • Lois Lindemann

      No mushy peas for me, I’m just not a fan. Could get used to Monday night champagne though 🙂

  • Sometimes we all need new pastures. Congratulations on finding yours.

  • Lois Lindemann

    Thank you all!

    I’m really, really looking forward to being at New School, although I’m glad I’ve got plenty of time before I move.

  • Congratulations. I agree with what Ro said and though the decision may be harder to make when you have mixed feelings, you’ll have good things to look back on and more to look forward to.

  • Wow. Exciting news. It’s impressive how quickly the decisions seem to operate too, but also then the quite long gap before it all changes. Very best wishes.