Sheffield Joke

Why did the policeman stop the bus?

Because it had 52 Crookes on it.

Titter Bin

It made us laugh. Does exactly what it says on the bin.


π2 = Mmmm

Found on my whiteboard. Written by an anonymous student with a sense of humour!

You must be crackers

I read today that Brits had been voting in a survey to find Britain’s worst cracker joke. “Well no one asked me to vote,” I thought, slightly huffily, until I discovered that the survey was conducted by Nuts magazine. According to 200 of their ‘readers’ (if I may use that description here), the top 10 […]

Thought for the day

Education isn’t everything. For a start, it isn’t an elephant. Spike Milligan

Thought for the Day

Don’t keep up with the Joneses, drag them down to your level. It’s cheaper.

Quentin Crisp

A woman walks into a bar

I am finding this blogging business quite challenging tonight. I am being distracted by Mr Three Legged Cat and his big book of terrible jokes, so I’ll just share one of them:A woman walks into a bar and orders a double entendre. So the barman gives her one.That’s all folks!
