
I didn’t think it existed, but it does, I’ve found it.

Found what? Nothing less than the secret spark, the magic dust from Hollywood movies, the miraculous way to grab the attention of all my pupils.

I know I’ve found it, because today it happened: I walked down the corridor and turned into a modern […]

Fish, chips and champagne

I have been doing a lot of thinking lately. Well, I have to do something with my time – and it certainly hasn’t been filled with blogging.

I’ve been thinking about how much I love working at Current School.

I’ve been thinking about how friendly and supportive my colleagues are.

I’ve been thinking about my […]

Video Nasty

It’s Friday afternoon, it’s a quarter to three… It’s quiz time! At least, it is for my form group.

Today we indulged in a spot of geography (which is slightly ridiculous, given that the quizmaster – *ahem* that’ll be me – is notoriously geographically challenged), followed by a few IT acronyms.

All went well until […]

That was the week that was…

Thursday (Ofsted – 4 days) My day starts, as usual on Thursdays, with a group of wildly enthusiastic primary students. I arrive at my own school at break to be greeted by The News. *They* have called. Well, we were expecting it – bring it on. Am I coming into school at the weekend? Absolutley […]

Blog, interupted

I’m sorry I can’t get to the blog right now, but please leave your message after the beep…

Things are a bit busy just now. We got the call on Thursday, Ofsted arrive on Monday. I have a lot of paper to generate. Probably no time for blogging, not even for sneaky back posts 🙂


In which I am momentarily misled

Only two students at my ICT Club today, apparently I just can’t compete with all that rather exciting snowy stuff.

So there we were, chatting away, when Phoenix suddenly announced that he was creating an awesome pawn arrangement. That gave me a moment or two of mild anxiety blind panic before my brain caught up […]

Just a Perfect Day

Up at silly o’clock again today, planning to set out super early to get to school on time. Then a phone call, good news. No, not a snow day. (I’ve never had a snow day as a teacher, a few snow afternoons, but even they are rare, despite what you see on the news.) As […]

A place of warmth and comfort

Got up at silly o’clock this morning, looked out of the window and observed a complete lack of any new snow. Not quite what I was expecting given the dire forecast. Checked the BBC weather site which informed me it was snowing. Hmm. Turned to Ben Marsh’s Twitter powered #uksnow map which showed the approaching […]

Of books

One of the best things about being on holiday is actually having time to read. I read all the time, but not in the same way; usually it’s a case of 20-30 minutes at a time, which is still enjoyable, but not quite as satisfying as being able to read for as long as I […]

Last day of term? Bah humbug!

‘Hi Miss, are we doing something fun today?’

‘Absolutely, we’re doing this nice past exam paper. What could be more fun than that?’

I’m not really a Scrooge, the last day of term is usually a little light-hearted, but my Y10 group have a GCSE maths module exam less than three weeks into next term. […]