Today’s Tweets

18:06 Woohoo! Just ordered tickets for Cirque de Soleil in Sheffield. It’s not until next May & I’m excited already! # 22:06 Scooby Doo moment: the three-legged-cat pulls off her not very cunning disguise #

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Today’s Tweets

14:55 Happy Birthday from me too! Hope it’s a good one – and that there is cake 🙂 RT @willkay: HAPPY BIRTHDAY @mariarocio #

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Today’s Tweets

22:26 Royal harpist? What kind of job is that? Sometimes I think I’ve entered one of those weird parallel universes. #

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Today’s Tweets

21:57 Mr TLC nips outside – and comes back wearing some rather fetching #snow Bah! (It’s more rain than snow, fortunately) # 22:40 RT @markw29: Anyone know any decent (but not hideously expensive) hotels in central London for a Sat night – struggling to find availability # 22:48 A friend of Mr TLC just […]

Today’s Tweets

11:42 It’s dark, not like night but too dark for midday. I am reading American Gods. The darkness seems rather appropriate somehow. # 13:38 Mr TLC + driving licence = brilliant. He’s just gone to the supermarket, without me. Woohoo! # 17:17 What is it with Sundays? It can’t be that time! More temporal […]

Today’s Tweets

10:28 RT @robinbyles: After buying sledge yesterday I was excited to see @arepeejee tweet that it was snowing but there is no sign of any in S10 # 16:50 Time to start baking. We are off to a no-surprise-at-all party tonight and there must be cake. # 20:21 Uh oh, here come the xfactor […]

Today’s Tweets

14:12 RT @Openrightsgroup: Number 10 petition to stop Mandelsons #digitaleconomy bill. Please sign and RT #webwar #threestrikes # 14:15 Finally got around to setting up Tweetdeck to work with both my Twitter accounts. Now I can avoid twice as much work! # 14:16 … and sorry if you’ve got the last few Tweets […]

Today’s Tweets

22:02 Love this! RT @chris_1974: RT @stuhasic: Tired of your wimpy name? Try Make-Me-Mighty! (non-IE browsers only) #

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Today’s Tweets

10:35 RT @HGJohn: RT @jackofkent: Highly important article by @bengoldacre in today’s Guardian on #SinghBCA: # 14:21 Looking for interesting places in Paris (pref with science/tech/maths links) for project with languages dept Any suggestions? #Paris # 18:52 joining @fatboyfat ‘s twitter campaign to save @Petronella ! #wakeupA (Is it working?) #

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Today’s Tweets

20:35 RT @didactylos: You should all read this entry in my blog….. its a bit of a revelation I feel. (indeed!) #

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