Today's Tweets

11:50 Am I the only one who is getting a tad fed up with people who follow me, but only until I’ve followed them back? # 11:56 So many plans for this weekend, may need a time machine to get everything done. Anyone got one I can borrow? # 17:12 Trying to do some […]

Today's Tweets

22:45 Happiness is a realigned spine. Feeling so good after a trip to the chiropractor. And so tall. #

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Writer's Blog

I has it.

Today's Tweets

20:55 RT @sheffieldblog: RT @JamesAlmond Seen in the window of a recently closed Zavvi in Sheffield: #

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Today's Tweets

21:41 "I seem to have something called Tweetdeck on my laptop," says Mr TLC. Ah, might have spotted that I’ve been using his laptop. Caught out 😛 # 21:47 Just suggested Mr TLC signs up to Twitter. He’s not keen. (Actually, that’s a bit of a wild understatement .) # 21:49 Guest Tweet from […]

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Hi, this is Three-Legged Cat. I’m sorry I’m not available to ramble on about life, the universe and everything at the moment.

Partly I’m finding that travelling to and from work taking a touch longer than usual bloody ages at the moment. However, there’s only two days left until half term, so a respite awaits.


Today's Tweets

15:29 RT @acarvin "Best Google Street View capture ever: hat tip: @winrosenfeld " what the heck’s going on in it? #

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Today's Tweets

23:23 Note to self: do not leave Tweetdeck unattended when there’s a risk of cat on the keyboard. Nearly tweeted utter gibberish. Like normal then #

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Today's Tweets

13:56 United v Wednesday derby just finished. Mr TLC just popped his head out of the attic window. He can hear the United fans booing from here. # 13:57 Mr TLC’s face is in danger of falling in half. A very large grin is in place. # 14:02 There is an uncharacteristically cheerful Yorkshireman […]

Today's Tweets

10:48 Off to met Dad and Mrs Dad for lunch in his home town. I’ve booked a place he’s never heard of in a street he’s never heard of. Could be fun #

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