How to find this blog (obviously not you, dearest reader, you’re already here):
Google Search: cat with three legs
No problem. Happy to help. He’s over there, in pride of place at the top of the sidebar.
Google Search: name my three legged cat
Er, thanks for the offer, but I’ll leave that to you.
Google Search: 1 legged cat
Hmm, seems unlikely. Unless he’s going to hop around on one leg shouting ‘Ooo Aaah!’ like the Halloween Pumpkin.
Google Search: ten legged cat
Now you’re just being silly. Stop it.
Google Search: can three legged cats go outside?
Sure, no problem. Just as long as they watch out for that ten legged cat. He’s a right bully he is.
i bet a one legged cat would be good at pogo
I guess he’d have to be good at pogo 🙂