March was quite exciting actually. Why? Because we went to The Moon! Only so we could try to out-do each other with lunar puns of course, but actually we had a nice afternoon.
We left saying we would have to go back, but as it turned out that was not to be – The Moon closed a couple of weeks later. No atmosphere you know. It was on the wane.
OK, I know. I’ve stopped now.
March was also reality check time. I decided I had my fingers in too many pies, too many projects on the go at once. So a spot of prioritising was required. I stopped trying to do everything at once and focussed on one main task at a time (mostly), with the inevitable background noise of the usual day to day stuff.
In fact, it turned out to be a real change. I changed into Little Miss Productivity. I still feel slightly surprised by that.
The only casualty was my French class, it had to go. I’m still doing some French (although somewhat less just lately, since it appears that the company which imports my newspaper might just be among the many that have gone bust), but when it suits. Plenty of reading, some writing, but no deadlines and no assignments.
Learning French is just for fun again, and I like it that way, at least for now.