- 16:54 Why have all the posts I read yesterday via my Bloglines account reppeared again today? #
- 17:18 Still suffering from deja vu. I guess Bloglines has the hiccups. #
- 17:30 Writing something fairly important, but I seem to be making it worse with every edit. Time to take a break & think it over. #
- 18:09 Uh oh. Just seen that annoying Boots ad & it reminded me: I was supposed to buy a Secret Santa gift today & I forgot. #
- 18:10 TLC’s 1st law: the number of tweets made is directly proportional to the importance of the task I *should* be doing ;^) #
- 18:37 I think I have writer’s block. I don’t seem to have tweeter’s block though. How strange ;^) #
- 20:14 I seem to be wearing a fur scarf. Haven’t abandoned my principles – the furry feline scarf is purring loudly and bashing me with its head. #
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I switched to google reader from bloglines the other week. It seems to be a lot more stable.
I’ve joined you – I’ve just imported all my Bloglines subscriptions to Google. So far so good.
I do feel slightly worried at how dependant I’m becoming on Google: Blogger, docs, calendar, mail, alerts and now reader as well. Lots of backups I think, but whether my backups are safer than Google’s datacentres is another question entirely.