Actually this post is not really part of a mystery tour, but it is the opening entry in a series called ‘Places That I Have Found Interesting But Which I Have Somehow Failed To Get Around To Showing You’
Impressed with that catchy title? No, I didn’t think you would be, but I’m running with it anyway.
Anyhoo, this is location one in the PTIHFIBWIHSFTGATSY series, but since it appears to be half past bedtime, I’ll cop out of blogging about it for tonight just whet your appetite with a picture.
There is no prize whatsoever for guessing the location. Tomorrow I’ll take you inside to meet an interesting bunch of characters…
Most intriguing, but when I click onto your page I am instantly taken to a page suggesting I sign up to the Blogger empire. I don’t think so. I escaped it in 2003 and I’m never going back.
It is simply a beautiful building, it is magnificent, I would really like to go inside.
like the building in harry potter..
did u took this picture ur self?