
It started with this:

I couldn’t stop singing that tune. Mr TLC is convinced that it isn’t the song I like, he thinks I like admiring the naked man in the Visa advert. Tsk.

Finally I found out who I was listening to:

In case anyone else didn’t know, that’s Whitey, playing Non Stop.

Yes, I’m sure everyone else discovered this when it first came out, but I am a bit behind the rest of you!

I’ve been listening to Whitey’s album, The Light at the End of the Tunnel is a Train, on the way to work. Yesterday it struck me that the title seemed strangely apposite. My Y11 classes have now finished their regular courses, and after some festivities in the form of a barbecue today and a trip to Alton Towers tomorrow, will be starting their study leave.

Except they don’t really leave yet – revision lessons kick off next week, at remarkably similar times to the original timetable!

1 comment to Earworm

  • I like the song. I was as behind as you were, I suppose. Now, as for the guy, I don’t find him attractive either. Seriously, he’s running around naked wearing black socks! For the love of god, Mr. TLC should know no woman could ever possibly find a man who will do that attractive. Now this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OXOrbo6DX9U I could totally go for.