Broomhill Festival event here today!
And what event would that be? Eating pies. Oh yes, we are real culture vultures around here you know.
Actually the main event was a treasure hunt, for which Mr TLC and I had signed up. So the Three-Legged Cat quiz team got its first outing in several months. The route was spookily similar to Tuesday’s architecture trail (subject of a currently unfinished post – sorry, busy week!), but that wasn’t much help. We diligently followed the trail around Broomhill, keeping our beady eyes peeled for clues, but sadly we were not triumphant :^( Oh well, it was a nice walk and good fun, even the part when it rained.
Anyway, the treasure hunt finished at the Fox and Duck, which happens to be one of our regular haunts. The grand finale of the evening was… ta, dah, dah: pie and paes (that’s not a typo, that’s Mr TLC’s Yorkshire pronounciation that is). Personally, I love the smell of pie and paes/peas, I even like eating it if I’m particularly hungry (and I’ve made it myself), but since neither of us were even slightly hungry it was time to make a tactical substitution. TLC and Mr TLC left the field for the pie-eating round and were replaced by Pete and Landlord John.
The Smile Council have awarded Pete a special honour for his post-pie eating grin, I think he enjoyed it! So a good time was had by all.