We had huge fun in January, but there were very few events that really stand out: just lots of walking, nice meals, nights out with friends. Sounds good to me, I’ll be happy with many months like that.
At the end of January, my Mum celebrated her 70th birthday. Blimey, that sounds quite, erm, old.
It’s funny, I don’t think of myself as aging, I still feel the same as I did in 20s. Unlike some of my friends I don’t get alarmed by landmark birthdays. My age is just a number, it doesn’t change how I feel about myself. However realising that my Mum is 70 and my sister is in her late 30s pulls me up for a moment and makes me realise just how quickly time is passing.
Haha, I’m the same! Still think of myself as 16, and wonder in puzzlement when people tell me its about time I get married…Wonder if I’ll ever feel like a grown up.