I seem to be turning into Nigella Lawson. How splendid.
It’s amazing what you can do with a bit of fondant icing and a cheap teaset 😉
Happily no-longer-a-baby A’s birthday cake made it to Granddad D’s house (where the party is) without mishap. Phew.
The little white cat nosing out from under the icing tablecloth is a nice touch. I will remember this when next I ice a cake which will be shortly after hell freezes over!
I liked the cat – but I have to admit he wasn’t planned. I trimmed the icing a bit too short in one place, thought ‘heck’ and ‘bother’ (as you do), then had an idea. Worked out quite well actually, I’ll probably do that again.
Golly. You may not feel like a granny, but you sure bake like one! I bet they tasted as good as they looked.
Thanks Z! They did go down quite well – think I’ve just got myself a job for life there. Not a problem though, I do like baking. Haven’t done much cake decorating for years though. I like icing things, but I’m not a big fan of eating it.
Fantastic. So much better than shop bought!
“So much better than shop bought!”
Indeed – but that’s true of most things.
Oh yeah! Is it true of electric good mixers or razor blades?
ERROR – FOOD mixers NOT good mixers! Silly me!