Five things

Futoshiki puzzles are strangely addictive (they are basically Latin Squares/Sudoku with < symbols). I used to enjoy these in my Saturday morning newspaper, but they were brutally axed. Now I’ve discovered that you can play online. Given how long I spent doing this yesterday evening, I’m not sure that this is a good thing. […]

Book review: n Mathematical Quotations (where n ~ 100) by Colin Beveridge

I like maths. I like quotations. Obviously this book appealed to me.

I was expecting a standard book of quotations, but was pleased to discover that this wasn’t quite what I had anticipated.

There are, as the title suggests, around 100 mathematical quotations from people as diverse as the hoopy frood Douglas Adams, Nobel […]

Of books

One of the best things about being on holiday is actually having time to read. I read all the time, but not in the same way; usually it’s a case of 20-30 minutes at a time, which is still enjoyable, but not quite as satisfying as being able to read for as long as I […]

The Penelopiad

The Penelopiad: The Myth of Penelope and Odysseus by Margaret Atwood has been lurking in my sidebar for months, in fact it’s still there, but it will be moving on shortly. It was actually quite quick to read; it clocks in at under 200 pages, which for a book which draws on The Odyssey as […]

A Unilateral Book Week

If you believe my sidebar (no, I didn’t think you did), then I have been reading the same book since sometime around last June.

Since this book is actually quite short, that would qualify me as possibly the slowest reader ever.

Anyhoo, it’s all lies! I’ve read many interesting things since then, but somehow I’ve […]

The Final Solution

The Final Solution by Michael Chabon is a detective story, but unusually there are two strands to the mystery. The first is the expected mystery that is introduced and finally solved during the course of the narrative. The second, the identity of the un-named central character who is referred to as the old man, is […]

The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay

The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay by Michael Chabon is one of those rare books that I have fallen totally, completely, head-over-heels in love with. I have been so wrapped up in the story that reading it has filled literally every spare moment over the last few days. In fact, having finished the book […]

Book Binge – The List!

I had this all planned at the start of May, but looking back I haven’t read any of the books I originally intended to read! Ah well, there’s always next month…

Anyway, these are the ones that I did read:

Firstly I read five out of the six books that have been shortlisted for the […]

Book Binge – Before I Die

Before I Die by Jenny Downham was my fifth book out of the six on this year’s shortlist for the Sheffield Children’s Book Award*. I actually finished it a couple of weeks ago, but I’ve been struggling to write about it.

Let’s get the easy bit over with: what’s it about? The book tells us […]

Reading List

Kitchen Witch has got me thinking with this list of books. Back-tracking to Infinite Drivel I found out what they have in common: the list is the books most frequently marked “unread” on librarything.

Lists, books – how can I resist? (Especially when I’m in the middle of a Book Binge.) I was already mentally […]