Our special reporter* nips out to the shops and spots a most unexpected sight. Have London’s pensioned off Routemasters found new employment in Sheffield?
At least one of them has, part of what seems to be a growing trend to hire a vintage bus instead of a wedding car.
I got quite carried away with the idea of riding around Sheffield on an old bus and started debating which type I’d choose. Old Sheffield livery or Routemaster red? Maybe a Green Line would be nice. I suggested to Mr TLC that we get married as an excuse to hire one, but regrettably he seemed strangely unenthusiastic.
Oh well, I suppose I’d better just visit the bus museum instead.
* that’ll be Mr TLC, obviously.
If *only* I’d bought the fully operational, excellent condition one DG pointed out to me for £2K when they first started selling them off. One of my most regretted missed purchases. They’re ten grand at least now, and not in that good condition.