Got up at silly o’clock this morning, looked out of the window and observed a complete lack of any new snow. Not quite what I was expecting given the dire forecast. Checked the BBC weather site which informed me it was snowing. Hmm. Turned to Ben Marsh’s Twitter powered #uksnow map which showed the approaching white stuff rather more clearly.
Anyhoo, I decided to chance it and drove in (I had a lot of bags to transport back to school). My normally unremarkable commute was transformed into a thing of stunning beauty – the snow started just as I set off and I travelled through a winter wonderland. Happily the main roads were fine and since I didn’t stray from them, I had no problems at all.
By the time the students arrived at school, so had a blizzard. First we were treated firstly to a spectacular whiteout that brought more snow than I’ve seen in years, then we got sent home early. I had an unexpectedly easy journey home too, although I won’t be driving anywhere else for a few days. Our car is now parked in a snowdrift. Ho hum.
Instead of teaching Y8, I found myself sitting in our kitchen eating homemade soup and chatting to Mr TLC. Very nice.
I was settling down to work when I received a phonecall from a fellow displaced professional. Their head had instructed them to return home or at least to a place of warmth and comfort. So we repaired to a place of warmth and comfort, took some refreshment, enjoyed the company of friends and marvelled at the snow.
A perfect interlude in fact. Unexpected, but most enjoyable.
(Then I came home and did that work – but that’s not such a good ending, is it?)
Photo:Weston Park Snow by James Almond. Used under Creative Commons Licence.
The snow is quite an exciting addition to the new year, provided you don’t get stuck in it.I agree it makes everything look new and beautiful.
Cats are not so keen.
No, my cats aren’t keen either. We’ve managed not to get stuck in the snow this year, which is probably why I’m enjoying it. I may change my mind later…
That Twitter snow map isn’t very good… we have 5 or 6 (real) inches here now and it’s not showing a flake!
Mr BW *never* comes home early. He got in just before 4pm. Things are bad.
Of course the Twitter snow map does rely on people sending updates. It works pretty well in our area.
Mr BW got in just before 4? Oh dear.
Places of warmth and comfort can be a great idea during the snowy interlude.
Oh yes 🙂