The End Is Nigh

The EndIt’s seemed like a long time, but finally, the end is in sight.

Back in June, when his well and truly broken leg was pinned together, Mr TLC was told it would be 4-6 months before the frame could be removed – assuming everything went well. He had five months fixed in his head, I had chatted to some of his fellow patients and suspected it might be longer. We settled in for the long haul.

We’ve had some positive signs since then : x-rays that revealed fuzzy edges where there had been a clean break; Mr TLC gradually becoming more mobile; the frame being weakened by having one supporting bar removed. Best of all, we’ve avoided any nasty infections (so far). All progress, but very, very slow.

Then Mr TLC called me after his last hospital appointment to tell me that his nuts had been loosened.

Ooh er.

He’s still pinned together, but the frame is now as weak as it’s going to get. All being well, it comes off next week.

The end is nigh. Normal life will be resumed shortly. 🙂


Photo: The End by naturalturn on Flickr. Used under Creative Commons Licence.

2 comments to The End Is Nigh

  • Yorkshire Pudding

    I am glad that when I broke my leg when playing football at university, it was all very straightforward. A clean fracture of the fibula. Plaster for seven weeks and then back to normal. Mr TLC seems to have drawn the short straw but I hope that when he finally gets the contraption off, he returns quickly to normal mobility. Let’s hope that beyond “The End” there isn’t a nasty sequel.And thanks again for the Jaume Plensa ticket(s).

  • Good luck with that, over here Mr Uhdd we is in the depths of a DVT and fracture clinics…