Taking a Step Back

I may have had a spring in my step earlier today, but it appears I need to take a step back. Fate has been well and truly tempted.

“Oh and as for that “significant snow event” that Mr TV Weatherman was rattling on about – we did see a couple of flurries of snow, but only because we were up early. It was more of a significant no event.”
I was confident when I wrote that – it was cold but there was no hint of snow. However as it turns out, I think I’d better file that rash remark away in the “Spoke too soon” category…

A laughing Mr TLC tells me to look out of the window (I think he loves it when I’m wrong).

It Snow Joke... Daffodil
Viburnum Bodnantense Dawn Wintry Scene


You may consider this to be a retraction of my earlier rash “no snow” statement; although we’re still a long way from being snowed in – in fact the snow is melting already. Or is that tempting fate again?

6 comments to Taking a Step Back

  • No – a tiny bit more in the night, but it all disappeared very quickly this morning.

  • Suppose there is no point in mentioning that it is 28 degrees here :^)

  • It’s probably about 28F here too, but I guess that’s not what you meant is it 😉

  • One of the total joys about teaching in England, and teaching in Mexico, is the metric system.

    For my sins I was born in 1961. I went to school and had to learn maths using ponds/shillings/pence and inches/feet/yards. I cannot explain the joy I felt when I moved to a new school in 1970 to discover that all the maths was done preparing for decimalisation in 1971.

    Of course, the rider to this is the pain I felt when my pocket money changed from 10d to 4p.

  • Ooh decimalisation, one of my earliest memories (along with accompanying my parents when they went to buy a dining table and standing underneath it – why is that stuck in my brain?) is of crying when being presented with different coins for my pocket money. I may have only been 3, but I knew what my pocket money looked like! I also remember being completly bewildered when it bought more sweets than normal – although that might have been something to do with the nice lady in the sweet shop feeling sorry for me as I blubbed and giving me extra sweets…

    I’ve just had the ever joyous of teaching the metric/Imperial systems to one of my classes (easily my absolute least favourite thing in the world to teach).

    At the start many of them seemed to be quite patriotic in their allegiance to “British” units – feet, inches, pints etc. Comments like “Why should we change?” set the scene for a Europe = bad kind of conversation.

    They are a top set, so after 20 mins they could convert between metric units, no problem. (I just teach the prefixes and we follow the pattern). Then we spent bloody ages writing down and learning 20 million “key facts” for Imperial units and metric/Imperial conversions.

    By the end of this, the Eurosceptics had miraculously become passionate supporters of the “easy” metric system. Of course that could have been common sense prevailing, or just my lack of enthusiasm for teaching Imperial units being transferred to my students.