That was the year that was: June 2007

June arrives and I’m still drowning in work, but there is light at the end of the tunnel. It’s still raining so I don’t feel I’m missing out on much – normally I’d want to be spending time outside at this time of year. Some areas in South Yorkshire have flooded, we feel some sympathy […]

That was the year that was: May 2007

May brings quite a lot of rain. Friends are colleagues are a bit grumpy about this, but I remain determinedly upbeat and extol the virtues of the English summer with its sunshine and showers.

I am back in Deadlinesville. I have essays to write for college, work to do for school and appear to […]

That was the year that was: April 2007

April flies past alarmingly quickly. S & P get married and we have a great time at their big day relaxing and catching up with old friends. This is a big occasion for another reason: we also finally get to hear P play the sax; it was worth waiting for, he’s excellent. I spend the […]

That was the year that was: March 2007

In March a lunar eclipse occurs. I make a total arse of myself by telling Mr TLC about a previous eclipse and how I bought special film (it was a long time ago), borrowed a tripod, blah, blah, blah, before falling asleep and missing the eclipse altogether. Mr TLC suggests I photograph this one. Whilst […]

That was the year that was: February 2007

February brings the snow, makes the toes and fingers glow. First decent snowfall in bloody ages and it happens on the weekend we’ve arranged to go away. I rush home from work to collect Mr TLC, but by the time we’ve loaded the car, there is so much snow that we can’t make it to […]

That was the year that was: January 2007

January is a fairly quiet month in the TLC household. We eat out, drink and are generally merry. January is also a month of writing essays for my French course, assessing my own students’ work and racing to meet deadlines. A very busy, but not always very exciting time!

Souvenirs de mes vacances

When Mr TLC and I go anywhere there are certain things that I just cannot resist. I drive him mad by taking zillions of photos and buying far too many postcards. However, he is keener when I start buying local produce, although of course this can be a bit unpredictable. There have been triumphs, such […]