The End Is Nigh

It’s seemed like a long time, but finally, the end is in sight.

Back in June, when his well and truly broken leg was pinned together, Mr TLC was told it would be 4-6 months before the frame could be removed – assuming everything went well. He had five months fixed in his head, I […]


Mr TLC starts to get mobile, including walking from the kitchen to the living room using only one crutch. Result. 🙂 This momentous step forward marks Mr TLC’s return to being a maker of copious cups of tea.

Mr TLC’s latest x-ray shows signs of the bones starting to heal. Woohoo!

I conquer the paper […]

Mr TLC doesn’t have a leg to stand on

Mr TLC is not a man to be outdone. Oh no.

Mr TLC obviously felt that Super Mum had not tested the services of the NHS rigorously enough, so he decided to take on a spot of testing himself.

It started with a bang, the sort of bang made by a man who has […]


It’s the start of June, which means that Mr TLC’s granddaughter is 3. Where does the time go? It also means that I get to play at baking birthday cakes. Actually, this year I get to do it twice – once for the family do, once for the kids’ party in a few days time. […]

Riding the Roller Coaster of Life

A glance at my sidebar indicates a rather quiet May. A glance at my life indicates quite the opposite, the last month has been somewhat eventful.

It started quietly enough. In fact, in a nice bit of temporal symmetry, the month both began and ended with school holidays. During the first one, I did something […]

Time Flies

I’m not exactly renowned for my highly developed sense of time, even at the best of times.

Consequently there’s been a few issues over the years, especially when the clocks change, such as the time I got through all of Sunday without realising it was *that* day. The result was that I got up […]

Be Prepared

January: Spot a brilliant present for Sister’s birthday. Order it immediately, even though her birthday isn’t until October.

August: Spot a birthday card featuring Spike Milligan’s splendid Fluffybum the Cat. We loved Badjelly the Witch as children; we adored Fluffybum. Buy the card immediately, even though Sister’s birthday isn’t until October.

Early October: Receive an […]


“It’s a bit foggy,” says Mr TLC, understating wildly. “Take care.”

I set off and start to play hide and seek with other drivers in the fog. Some of them have their lights on. Others have opted to present me with a higher level of challenge.

As is the way with these things, the small […]

The Road to Nowhere

I live on the dullest road in Sheffield. It’s lovely.

My road goes nowhere, so it’s quiet.

As far as I am aware, my neighbours are unlikely to attract the attentions of any passing paparazzo, so, as I said, it’s quiet.

Which leaves me wondering why I passed a camera crew at the top […]

I should be working…

… but a little procrastination won’t hurt. Isn’t that what weekends are for?

Anyhoo, it must be time for a quick catch up, so here it is:

I’m now two weeks into my new job and still very happy that I’ve moved. I’m still trying to remember a great many names, getting lost/walking in circles […]