In Which My False Sense of Anonymity is Shattered

It could have happened a few weeks ago, when I taught several classes how to look critically at websites. Given that I’m a cheapskate who hides bits and pieces for this site in the domain that I run for my students, there were plenty of trails of Smarties to follow that would lead them back […]

Not Normal

This morning, by way of a little light relief after the rigours of their GCSE exam yesterday, I set my Y9 group the task of researching pi and Pi Day in order to make some posters for display.

They made some brilliant posters. My favourite was the one from which I discovered that ‘Pi Day […]


Ooh look, the world didn’t end. Which is kind of surprising, because I hadn’t given much thought to anything AMM (that’s After Monday Morning by the way), but here I am, surprised to find myself living in that unexpected epoch.

Have you ever been so focused on one key event that you can’t seem to […]


This morning I discovered that the latest UK TV channel to be rebranded will be their history channel. Sometime in the next few days, UKTV History will actually be history, but fear not, it will be reborn and rebranded as ‘Yesterday’. So what difference wll that make? Er, not much actually, judging by the fact […]

I Digress

I am trying to write a book review, but for reasons best known to himself Mr TLC is distracting me. He is scrutinizing his periodic table postcard and quizzing me on the elements. I am doing moderately badly, which is disappointing really, because I used to know all of this stuff.

I finally come totally […]

Twittering On

I confess that I avoided watching Wossy, but I enjoyed this clip. After the shameless plugging of Twitter (I’m sure I can hear the gnashing of teeth at the Daily Fail), came my favourite observation (at arond 4:00 mins in), Stephen Fry discussing the different sentiments conveyed by “Only in America!” and “Only in Britain!”



“Right,” said Mr TLC, “So the RSPB want us to count how many birds are in the garden.”


“That could be difficult,” he continued, “I mean, imagine it: 1, 2, 3, ooh look, here comes Black Cat. Oh, only 2 birds now…”

Actually I think Black Cat’s bird hunting days are behind him, but […]

Writer's Blog

It’s been a busy, busy week. It’s been an interesting week. Many things have happened that I wanted to write about, but the wriing itself didn’t happen.

But hey, it’s Friday night so I can treat myself to a spot of blogging. Except now I can’t remember what on earth I wanted to write about. […]


I sometimes think I must be a bit strange. After all, it’s well known that girls love shopping, especially for clothes. I hate shopping for clothes. I know many people who love to spend time wandering around enormous shopping malls, but I’m not one of them. Personally I detest the giant shopping complex that is […]


Amidst all the debate and general sadness about the demise of Woolies I found an almost forgotten memory.

It came back to me, unbidden, in one of those in between moments when I was travelling from sleep to wakefulness. Not a dream, just a sudden recollection of two enormous cardboard crates and their unwanted contents.
