
Watching Quidam at the Royal Albert Hall was undoubtedly one of the highlights of my year, tonight I got to re-live the experience. How lucky am I?

We had already booked for London in January when Quidam’s national tour was announced, but I can’t say I regretted the decision. I just considered myself fortunate to […]

Wood You Beleaf It

‘Ooh, look at that!’ I exclaimed, being in possession of a rather low enthusiasm threshold. The van up ahead was looking rather more verdant than is normal in these parts.

‘Wood you believe it,’ replied Mr TLC, ‘I didn’t know this was a trunk road.’ (It’s the way he tells ’em you know.)

‘Er… no.’ […]

How to put the spark back into your relationship

It’s easy! Just follow these simple steps:

Choose a nice crisp winter morning. A really frosty day is best, but not essential. Make a fuss of your very fine cat as soon as he comes indoors after his morning stroll. He’s lovely that cat, rub his ears and stroke his head. Keep making a fuss […]

There's Probably No Bus

Our roving reporter (that’s Mr TLC, who declined most emphatically when I suggested he might like to do a guest post) spotted this splendid figure of a snowman, patiently waiting for a 52 bus. Obviously our frosty friend hadn’t seen this (via @Rashbre).

He was attracting quite a bit of attention – the snowman that […]

Snow School Today

There was a lot of talk on the news today about schools geting the day off. In fact that’s true for an awful lot of my colleagues in other local schools. (Enjoy your day off YP!)

Would I get the day off? That would be an unexpected bonus. Very unexpected in fact, because I assessed […]

I Digress (Again)

Hmm, this book week is going well isn’t it? One whole review completed and posted. W00t!

Anyhoo, being a master of premature celebration, I felt the need to pack Mr TLC and a change of clothes into the car and clear off to London for the weekend.

Such weekends are becoming rare treats, in fact […]

I Digress

I am trying to write a book review, but for reasons best known to himself Mr TLC is distracting me. He is scrutinizing his periodic table postcard and quizzing me on the elements. I am doing moderately badly, which is disappointing really, because I used to know all of this stuff.

I finally come totally […]


“Right,” said Mr TLC, “So the RSPB want us to count how many birds are in the garden.”


“That could be difficult,” he continued, “I mean, imagine it: 1, 2, 3, ooh look, here comes Black Cat. Oh, only 2 birds now…”

Actually I think Black Cat’s bird hunting days are behind him, but […]


I sometimes think I must be a bit strange. After all, it’s well known that girls love shopping, especially for clothes. I hate shopping for clothes. I know many people who love to spend time wandering around enormous shopping malls, but I’m not one of them. Personally I detest the giant shopping complex that is […]

What's In A Name?

‘I could be Mr Buxton,’ suggests Mr TLC.

Mr TLC is having fun coming up with random names for himself. After I referred to him as Mr A Derbyshiretown yesterday, he keeps wandering in and announcing himself in a variety of guises.

Mr Buxton could sound rather grand, but since we invariably pronounce Buxton in […]